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Disposable microfiber composite filter elements

Extremely high quality standard

Composite microfiber elements

Composite microfiber elements

Disposable filter elements

Disposable microfiber composite filter elements are manufactured from a specified mixture of borosilicate glass microfiber according to extremely high quality standards. These elements offer outstanding filtration properties at very low pressure losses and have a storage capacity of about 90%, enabling a long service life. The composite makes the elements very strong. The binder selection depends on the application. Disposable filter elements are self-sealing and adjusted by axial pressure in the filter housing.

Coalescence or particle application

There are two different types of filter element. Particle filter elements use a single filter medium layer, while coalescence filter elements have a fine collection layer and a coarse drainage layer. To achieve long service life and the most economical solution for a contamination problem, the coarsest filtration rate that sufficiently protects the application should be chosen. Disposable microfiber composite filter elements can be used for both gas and liquid applications.

  • Mounting angle
  • Float rod drain
  • Drain reservoir


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Marcel Muß
Internal sales
+49 (0)2224 9893-27